Beautiful Patience

Public Art Installation, 2022

Beautiful Patience is a digital art piece as part of the 2022 Windows of Understanding Public Art installation. The piece is in honor and memory of Imam Suhaib Sultan, former Muslim Chaplain of Princeton University and his legacy of beautiful patience. The piece draws inspiration from his Notes from the Hospital describing the pain points for adult cancer patients and what could be done to change it.

The piece was displayed January-April 2022 at the former Verizon store located on George Street in downtown New Brunswick, New Jersey.

فَاصْبِرْ صَبْرًا جَمِيلاََ
So be patient with a beautiful patience (Surah Al-Miraj: 5)

Artists: Usra Attalla (illustrator), Sarah Attalla (Art Direction), Dr. Raza Zia (Arabic Calligraphy)

The piece aims to exemplify the beautiful patience and practices that Imam Sohaib believed in. As he described in his last few days before returning to Allah: “turtles are my spirit animal. They know when to hide to contemplate and reflect, and when to come back out.”

Through contemplation, art, and music, Imam Sohaib encouraged others to live beautifully and patiently. Throughout his life and in his writings, he urged others to immerse themselves in beauty and make spaces more beautiful, warm, and friendly; and most importantly to implant them in stale hospital and medical environments.

Press: NBC News

Other media coverages for the general Windows of Understanding public installation: -


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